Monday, 5 December 2011

Snowy Monday Morning

Journey to work was fine, pulled into the car park spotted a space really close to the door, reversed in, handbrake on, picked up by bags, got out of the car and locked it. Took three steps forward to the front of the car when I realise the car is moving. Yank at the door handle, remember the car is locked, jab at the buttons on the key fob, wrench open the door, throw my bags in, enter car feet first towards the brake pedal. Stop the car from moving. Realise the car has realistically slid three feet at most as people are still able to get past me and the expensive car I was heading for. Try and reduce heart rate to a reasonable level. Glare back at the people wondering why I’m sat effectively in the middle of the car park. Park the car in a different space where all it can roll into is a hedge. Leave car in gear. Pull handbrake extra hard. Get out of car, give car a really good shake to assess if it is planning on going anywhere. Get back in car and try to reduce heart rate even further. Walk to office and try not to think about where car might be when I leave tonight.

Hope your Monday started better than mine!

Bloody snow.


  1. I know I shouldn't be laughing at this and, were I in a similar situation, would need to be signed off with stress. It must be the way you tell it!

  2. Oh my scary...but it did make me laugh.

    Hope you car is not in a hedge when you come to leave tonight.

  3. Aberdeen seems to be the only place in Scotland that is entirely snow free. I confess I am jealous. Traumatizing car adventure and all.

  4. Dear me that doesn't sound like a good start to Monday. Hope there's no other snow-related drama!

  5. Oh love, that is a BAD way to start a week. LOTS OF HUGS! XX


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