Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Budget airlines suck!


I’ve just nearly had a frigging heart attack.

My sisters and I try to have a holiday once a year just the three of us. I love these holidays we barely talk to each other we sit in the sun and read trashy crime novels but we bond silently!

So this morning my sister asked me to check how much my flights had cost so we can share the cost of the holiday equally (they live in London so are on a different flight). So I go onto my emails to look at my flight confirmation. "Budget airline"* cretins that they are sent an email last week to reconfirm the booking I didn’t really think anything of it as I get an email of rubbish from them telling me about the latest deal at least twice a week. However on opening this one up I noticed (today!) that I’m flying Sept 22nd to return Sept 27th now an air raid siren started going off in my head. I’m fairly sure we are going on holiday on Wednesday and that’s the 23rd September. So I double checked the original booking email that I have and there it is in black and white 23rd – 27th. So phoned customer service (10p/min) trying to keep calm to be told that within all that spam that they sent me they actually sent me an email telling me that they've stopped flying out of Edinburgh on Wednesdays and now only fly Tuesday or Thursday!

Would I like to cancel my holiday! NOOOOO I want to fly on the day that I had booked to fly on, they sent me so many emails among which they changed the timing of my flight 3 times, they just snuck in there that they’d actually changed the DAY of the flight.

Well after all that drama I’m now flying out of Glasgow airport at the same time as the Edinburgh flight! Still need to persuade O to take me to the airport for a 6am flight?!

Apologies for the excessive use of exclamation marks I've only just stopped my heart racing.

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