Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Recaps: Morning of

I woke to the shipping forecast – awesome! The radio had been on all night to try and help me sleep - actually leading to some pretty bizarre dreams. 

I’m going to be sick, I’m going to be sick, I’m freezing cold but sweating like a pig and I’m going to be sick. These were mainly the thoughts going through my head from 5:30 the morning of my wedding. 

I waited a reasonable amount of time before texting my Dad and asking for my Mum to come along to keep me company. She ran me a bath with the rose petal bath bomb that O’s Mum had given me the night before. I’d just sunk into the bath and started to warm up when the hairdresser arrived. I got up, locked the bathroom door and sunk back into the bath for another fifteen minutes or so. During which time plug sockets* were located, straighteners were switched on and my bridesmaids finally arrived. We were all staying at the venue apart from O who was staying at our flat.

probably on twitter

Soon I felt that I was missing the action, there were questions I needed to answer and really as an adult I couldn’t spend the morning of my wedding hiding in the bathroom trying not to be sick**. Breakfast finally arrived and I managed to eat some really not very pleasant grapes and a square of toast.

having my naturally curly hair curled

Hair was coiffed, make up was applied and panics were had. We had forgotten to arrange any music and the radio and TV music channels weren’t really cutting it so an emergency message was relayed to my Dad to bring his i-pod and speakers immediately. My Mum, sisters and I spent the rest of the morning singing (we know all of the words) to Graceland – Paul Simon and anything by Bruce Springsteen*** much to the bemusement of my niece, hairdresser and make up friend. 

The morning was interrupted by me bursting into tears several times for no apparent reason (frequently after I’d read a tweet/message for you lovely lot) and insisting that no one be nice to me the nastier the better to stop the tears.
being asked to look meaningfully at my dress was amusing for some reason

Our photographer finally arrived, he got lost trying to find O at our flat so we had a few photos taken. Time was marching on at this point so it got to be a bit of a rush. We finally managed to kick the photographer out of the room and I was put into my dress. It was TIME!!!!!

*if you are getting ready at your venue make sure there is enough plugs in the room for hair dryers etc. and a big mirror.
**if that is what morning sickness feels like it is going to take some time to persuade me that babies are a good idea unless O can carry them instead of me (medical miracle in the offing?)
***we were brought up on that music. 

The photos in this post are a mixture of family and professional photographer. As our photographer is a family friend and doesn't usually photograph weddings I'm not going to link to him. If anyone is desperate for his details please contact me.


  1. i love these photos, I hope I dot get asked to look meaningfully at my dress cos I will just start thinking of that and laugh!

  2. Great pics! I imagine being very nervous the morning of the wedding too!

  3. I love the meaningful dress look! It just looks like, "wow, I'm actually getting married - this is crazy!"

  4. The meaningful dress photo... yeah that would make me laugh too! Oh god, hiding in the bathroom so sounds like what I might want to do... oh gosh I'm really going to have to think about the getting ready morning aren't I? it just doesn't magically happen!

  5. Can't wait to see more and more and more photos. And how good are your recaps!!

  6. You look gorgeous; love the meaningful dress look too!

    Sorry you didnt feel well in the morning tho!

  7. Love love love, beautiful :)

  8. I really love that you were on Twitter on your wedding day. And I think I'd have the same amused look on my face if asked to look meaningfully at my dress!

    (P.S your recaps are really very good and full of very useful tips which I'm taking note of so thank you.)


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