Monday, 18 January 2010

Working 9-5

(from here)

I stick my tongue out when I'm concentrating - all the women in my family do.

Things are sooooo hectic at work at the moment which means I end the day feeling rather brain dead.


  1. I do too! I get that from my dad and Grandad, my dad does it when he's playing the piano, and it moves from side to side, the more complex the piece, the more it moves! Sorry you're feeling braindead, thank you for your lovely comments too. Looking forward to sharing your next 6 months and beyond also :) x

  2. Oh I do this too and I am endlessly mocked by Bean for this. He thinks it's hysterical.

    Take your time I find "my writing" (if you can call it) that ebbs and flows.

  3. I feel you on the hectic thing. Hope you're still smiling!

  4. I am also so stressed at work! I imagine that it will pass. My husband also does the tounge thing. Cracks me up every time.


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